Would you like to get a text e-Alert to remind you when your loan payment is due? Or how about a quick text to see how much money you have in your spending account? You need to enroll in Text Banking & Text e-Alerts. Login to IM247 online banking, choose Text Banking and enroll your cell phone number. It’s that easy and it’s FREE too.
Sign up for TEXT BANKING through IM247 online banking and enjoy the convenience of banking utilizing your fingers and cell phone. With TEXT BANKING you can…
- Send a text message command to get text message replies about your eligible accounts.
- Transfer funds between your own accounts.
- Enroll in e-Alerts and get notices about account balances, deposits, withdrawals, or when a payment is due.
You can set up one-way Text e-Alerts to your cell phone via the e-Alert Subscriptions in IM247 online banking, and create alerts similar to your standard e-Alerts such as…
- Account Balance
- Notification of an ACH Deposit or Withdrawal
- Daily balance notification
- Daily notification showing total $ amount of transactions
- Daily notification showing total number of transactions
- Notification that a Loan Payment is due
- E-Notice notification
Enrollment through IM247 online banking is required for Text Banking and Text e-Alerts. IM247 Text banking & Text e-Alerts code is 46247. Bay Area Credit Union does not charge a fee for Text Banking and Text e-Alerts. Carrier messages and data rates may apply. Please check with your wireless provider for information about carrier charges on your mobile phone account and service plan.
Terms and Conditions may apply.