
Bay Area Credit Union is centrally located in the city of Oregon, Ohio. Come see us in person or give us a call and we’ll be glad to help you with your financial needs.

Address & Hours

4202 Navarre Avenue
Oregon, OH 43616

Phone: 419-698-2962 Toll Free: 800-473-1937 Fax: 419-540-0155

Lobby Hours

Week DayHours of Operation
Monday – Friday8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday9:00 am – Noon

Drive Through Hours

Week DayHours of Operation
Monday – Friday8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – Noon

Holiday Schedule

DateHolidayCredit Union Status
MONDAY January 1stNew Year’s Day 2024Closed
MONDAY January 15thMartin Luther King, Jr. DayClosed
MONDAY February 19thPresident’s DayClosed
MONDAY April 8thSolar EclipseClose at noon
MONDAY May 27thMemorial DayClosed
WEDNESDAY June 19thJuneteenthClosed
THURSDAY July 4thIndependence DayClosed
MONDAY September 2ndLabor DayClosed
MONDAY October 14thColumbus DayClosed
MONDAY November 11thVeteran’s DayClosed
THURSDAY November 28thThanksgiving DayClosed
TUESDAY December 24thChristmas EveClose at noon
WEDNESDAY December 25thChristmas DayClosed
WEDNESDAY January 1stNew Year’s Day 2025Closed