How summer jobs teach youth financial responsibility
The last few summers have not been ideal for kids. However, things are moving in the right direction. It’s time to start thinking about ways to help your children prepare for their future, and that means summer jobs.
Summer jobs are great for kids because they have the opportunity to learn a new skill, while also earning money and learning the value of a dollar. In addition, real-life experiences like dealing with a problematic co-worker or answering to a supervisor are great life lessons they can refer back to when they finally start their careers.
Teens will be in high demand this summer due to continued staffing shortages, so make sure your child finds a summer job that best suits their needs. Restaurants, public pools, and summer camps are just some of the options available for teens to look for work. TeenLife has a comprehensive list of more than 4,000 summer programs available, with interests varying from the arts, sports, nature, academics, leadership, and volunteer opportunities.
When your child starts earning a paycheck, this is a great way to begin teaching them about how to be financially responsible. It can be so easy at first to spend their paycheck, but teaching your children about the value of saving money can have long-lasting effects that can help them be more financially sound in the future. Teaching them to take control of their finances with our SPENDING ACCOUNT is a perfect solution for monitoring and managing their money with ease.
You can even talk to your credit union about opening a BASIC SPENDING ACCOUNT for your child to deposit allowances, birthday/holiday checks and even coins from the couch. There are a variety of programs available at Bay Area Credit Union to help your child’s financial future as they navigate school, summer jobs, college, internships, and hopeful careers.
It is also important to be mindful of your child’s needs this summer. Some teens want to rush out and get a summer job in their first step toward independence, while others need more time to acclimate to the post-pandemic world. Talk to your child about what’s negotiable and what is non-negotiable before setting unrealistic expectations.
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